Skelmersdale Rambling Club, in the heart of West Lancashire, organises monthly rambles by coach to the Lake District, North Wales, Yorkshire, Derbyshire areas, usually on the last Sunday of the month.
We have 4 walks at each venue in summer:
Strenuous (10 – 13 miles, 1500 feet of climb).
Moderate (8 – 9 miles, 1000 feet of climb).
Leisurely (6 – 7 miles, 700 feet of climb, at a more leisurely pace).
Easy (4 – 5 miles, up to 300 feet of climb).
In winter, there are only 3 walks.
Our coach leaves Burscough Junction Lane at 08:20, Ormskirk Bus Station at 08:40, Westhead Prince Albert at 08:45, Skelmersdale War Memorial at 08:50 and bus stop on Northway, Skelmersdale at 09:00.
We return at 17:30 in the summer and 16:30 in the winter.
The coach fare for members is £15.00 and membership is £20.00 per year. The coach fare for non-members is £18.00.
For each venue we have Coach Notes to set out the walks available which are given out on the coach, and are available on the website usually in the week before the walk.